What is the right plan to invest in?
How is Long Term Portfolio different from goal plans such as Retire Confident and Child Education?
Can multiple investors contribute to an existing plan?
Why should I start goal based investing?
What goals can I start on Scripbox?
How are Scripbox goals different from others?
What is a growth strategy?
What are the different growth strategies available?
How do I select a growth strategy for my plan?
Does the suggested retirement amount account for my family too?
Are emergencies like medical expenses taken into account?
What makes Scripbox Retire Confident different?
Can I withdraw funds anytime?
Why aren’t all my Tax Saver investments available for withdrawal?
Can I withdraw only the long-term units for a fund to save on taxes?
What is a bank mandate? Why do you need to register one?
How to register a bank mandate via net banking?
Why do I get the option to register a bank mandate via a paper mandate?
Can I plan for multiple vacations simultaneously?
Will I be able to invest for less than a year?
Can this plan help me close loans that I already have?
When is the right time to start investing for my child’s education?
Is there any lock-in period?
How will you help me reach the goal of my child’s education?
Is there any lock-in period?
Is there a minimum investment amount?
Is a Crore guaranteed for my child if I invest as per your plan?